ISTRIP destprefix wildcards

 ISTRIP will strip comments and extranious whitespace from all files
 specified by <wildcards> and create an output file under the same name
 prefixed by <destprefix>.

 Example (contrived)

 1> cd dinclude:
 1> copy amiga13 ram:amiga13 ALL QUIET
 1> istrip ram: amiga13/#?/#?

 ISTRIP is very stupid in that it will not create the destination
 directory hierarchy.  The COPY above basically does that for us, the
 copied files are extranious and overwritten when ISTRIP is run.

 ISTRIP is useful mainly for developers who obtain later versions of the
 commented Amiga includes and want to create an uncommented version (The
 uncommented includes are much smaller yielding faster compilation).

Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>